ImpressArt Halloween Stamping Contest Grand Prize Winner

Progress photos showing the process of making the mask and how I worked on planning and putting it all together. I used PlayDoh on top of the custom face mannequin to hold blanks in place. This allowed me to test how they might fit together and where to place the holes so I could get the proper connection points.

There was a lot of back and forth getting the pieces to fit together and also lay on my actual face correctly. It could be tedious but was very important in getting the end product as correct as possible. Many changes were made and would not have been as easy or even possible without the back and forth.

PlayDoh is one of my favorite planning methods for new designs. If I am trying something brand new. I press the blank into flattened doh and use the stamps to do quick impressions so that I can see if it looks anything like what I would want without wasting a blank. Once I start getting something I like I switch to using the blanks to refine the design.

Planning for the side teeth. I used the shorter ring blanks and ultimately cut them in half. This allowed me to get the most out of these blanks and make them as similar as possible to each side.